Hike & Fly Moravian Challenge

Paragliding Hike & Fly
Open Czech National Championship 2025

12. - 15. 6. 2025

Open Czech National Championship

FAI CIVL CAT. 2 RACE (registration of races at FAI CIVL is currently in progress)



The 2nd year of the multi-day Hike&Fly race, which will be held as an open international Czech Championship 2025.
We adhere to the Hike&Fly philosophy when organizing it, i.e. a combination of ultra marathon and flying. The race will take place in Moravia in the hills of the Moravian-Silesian Beskydy and the White Carpathians.

Depending on the current weather and wind direction, we choose track to make the most of the potential that the Beskydy Mountains offer us. The track will be built to be over 100 km long with a limited time limit. Once again, a challenging, but unique race awaits you in our conditions.


12. – 15. 6. 2025
(replacement date 24. – 27. 7. 2025)


Our race is demanding and our sponsors are aware of this. That is why MAC Para is donating an Aravis mountain paraglide as the main prize to our race. Other valuable prizes are donated by Vavrys.cz, which will dress and shoe our winners in functional clothing from CRAFT, INOV8, BROOKS, HAGLOFS.


To be specified...

Presentation and announcement location

Beskydy - to be specified...

Entry fee

Pre-registration price to 1. 2. 2025 - 2000 Kč / 75 CHF / 80 EUR
Registration price from 1. 2. 2025 - 2500 Kč  / 95 CHF /  100 EUR

The entry fee includes a gift package worth the basic entry fee, transport to the start area, pick-up after the race and, in case of withdrawal, during the race. Breakfast on the day of the race and catering after the race.

Each competitor will be allowed to start only after paying the entry fee. Send the entry fee to the account below. In the message for the recipient (or Reference Number or Payment Reference), please include the phone number you entered during registration (without international prefix, last 9 or 10 digits)

Account number for residents: 2100407552 / 2010
IBAN: CZ96 2010 0000 0021 0040 7552

A race combining an ultramarathon with paragliding

VIDEO 2024

Video postcard from the year 2024.
Camera, editing
: Jaroslav Jindra

The routes run through the territory of Moravia - Beskydy and the White Carpathians.


We are currently unifying the rules to meet the requirements for FAI Cat. 2 competitions. We will publish the complete rules in the near future.

Conditions for Registration

To enter the competition, you must hold a valid paragliding pilot license. This year's Hike and Fly Moravian Challenge is organized as the Czech National Championship and an open FAI Category 2 event, meaning you can only participate if you have an FAI sporting license and an assigned CIVL ID.
It is easy to get it both, do you need help?


You can read the basic rules of our race here. We are preparing their official version and will send it by email to the addresses of already registered competitors as soon as it is available.

Conditions for Registration

To enter the competition, you must hold a valid paragliding pilot license. This year's Hike and Fly Moravian Challenge is organized as the Czech National Championship and an open FAI Category 2 event, meaning you can only participate if you have an FAI sporting license and an assigned CIVL ID.
It is easy to get it both, do you need help?


Paraglider with a valid technical condition certificate, harnesses with reserve parachute, helmet, height measuring device. Minimum weight of equipment is 10 kg.

The paraglider cannot be changed during the race without the express permission of the organizer. A smart mobile phone with Android 4.0 and higher with the XCTrack application installed and functional (beta version with live tracking). The phone must be equipped with a functional GPS sensor and must have functional and activated DATA – GSM. Live tracking will probably need a maximum of 3MB. A backup external battery is required – power bank or battery pack as a power source for the mobile phone with a cable for charging the phone. The phone will also be used as a means of communication between the organizer and the participant.

We recommend a backup GPS recording an IGC file throughout the competition.

Live tracking is important primarily for the safety of the competitor. The IGC file is then used to evaluate the results and verify that the course has been completed in a regular manner.

Our race is designed to be a multi-day event, so we recommend that you bring a sleeping bag and a sleeping mat.

Other requirements

Compulsory insurance for damages caused to third parties (compulsory liability).

Carrying equipment / assistance / support team

The participant is obliged to carry the complete equipment for the entire duration of the competition on his own. Support is not allowed in our race! Each participant is responsible for his own food, drink and sleep. Sleeping in the car or in the hotel is not allowed!

Overcoming the route

The participant is obliged to overcome the route in a manner respectful of nature. The participant must not violate the right to privacy and private property.

When overcoming the route, it is allowed to use only one's own feet and a paraglider. It is not allowed to travel by any other means of transport, including cable cars, hitchhiking, animals, roller skates, etc.

When overcoming the route, the participant may use bridges and tunnels, but only if they allow for walking. The movement of each competitor, whether by air or on their own, is strictly limited to the time between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. At night, movement is prohibited. The race ends either when the third competitor crosses the finish line, or on Saturday at the stroke of 12 o'clock. The order of competitors will then be determined according to the tracklog. Every competitor who lands must send an SMS message to the race organizer within 5 minutes of landing that he is okay and will continue walking. Any violation of this rule will result in the competitor being disqualified! In the event of withdrawal from the race during its course, the participant is obliged to notify the organizers by phone or in person. The participant is obliged to report to the organizers any incident or situation that could affect the safe course of the race. After completing the race, the participant must confirm to the organizers by signing that he has reached the finish line. The competitor must also sign if he gives up the race.


The track will be finalized at the briefing the evening before the race.

The rules may be subject to minor changes. Registered participants will be informed of any changes. The rules may also be modified during official briefings.

Our race is multi-day, with overnight outside human habitation and no assistance.


Jak jsme již předeslali, budeme vybírat ze tří tratí dle aktuálního počasí.

Jižní varianta

A trasa - Start v obci Horní Němčí, cíl Krnov. Délka tratě je cca 148 km.
B trasa - Start v obci Horní Němčí, cíl Český Těšín. Délka tratě je cca 120 km.

Západní varianta

A trasa - Start v městě Holešov, cíl Mosty u Jablunkova. Délka tratě je cca 122 km.
B trasa - Start v městě Holešov, cíl Oravská přehrada. Délka tratě je cca 138 km.

Severní varianta

Start v obci Smilovice, cca 10km na start na Javorovém Vrchu, Otočné body Ochmelov, Radhošť, Smrk, cíl na Červeném Kameni. Délka tratě cca 105 km.


Year 2024

Race pohto from 2024.


Open Czech National Championship



Facebook: Hike & Fly Moravian Challenge

Email: hf@blk-pg.cz

Karel Růžička - race director
Phone: +420 722 940 168
Kamil Kabát
Phone: +420 603 440 654